His future should have been bleak. But he decided to change it...

For the last few years, when I’ve been giving people tips and advice which I think might help them with certain aspects of their lives, I’ve found myself saying, “it’s all in the book”. And it is. Everything I have learnt which has helped me in my rags to riches climb from a 1960’s council house to the top 1% of property owners.

It took me half a century of hard work and I’m still learning. But right now, my focus is on wanting you and many others like you to know more about the habits, tricks and skills you need to make a difference to how you live. It took me a lifetime to learn them, but they are all there, warts and all in this, my first book.

If you have the desire to overcome a poor start, then this book will tell you all my secrets and insights, written from your perspective, because I’ve been there. And I know how hard it is.

If you struggle with decision making, see little hope of ever changing your future and know if you don’t do something, you’ll be stuck where you are forever, then I wrote How To Make Something From Nothing for you.

But why should you read a book written by a random, seemingly ordinary guy, which says it will give you an insight into some fairly powerful aspects of life?

Because what I did, works. I’ve designed my life so I have everything I want and far more than I will ever need. I’m going to tell you the story of how I did it, highlighting the main lessons I learnt along the way.

This is not a book with lots of scientific evidence or other academic theory. It’s about what I did, what worked for me and what didn’t. It’s about trial and error, getting lots of things wrong, taking huge risks and doing some things most people would never contemplate.

I’m not saying it’s what you should do and there are probably many other ways to achieve even greater results, but I know the habits and methods I employed worked and I know they still do. What’s more, if you make a start at developing some of the 13 skills I see as vital to improve, then I’ll be here to give you some personal mentoring if you need extra help. Just email me.

How to make something from nothing